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MITch nick's picks

What’s up everyone? I will be sharing some hip-hop every week for one year while on a journey to reconnect with some of my most favorite hip hop albums, mixtapes, projects or EPs (whatever). I believe that no matter what, there is something special about hip-hop and what people can do with words. I’m not on a mission to name the fifty-two “best”, most “fire” albums or rappers and for that reason I will try (to some extent) to avoid some of the ones that are routinely brought into discussion. I am also posting these picks in no order whatsoever. This is purely to share and spark discussion.

When it comes to the post, if you haven’t heard it before – then give it a listen!

If it’s been a while – then bump it again homie!

If it’s already in your rotation – then share what you like about it!

I appreciate you all. Peace.

Travel Through Music:
Two years ago while I was working in a hostel in Budapest I spontaneously decided to ask people whom I spent some time with to add three of their favorite songs to a Youtube playlist. When I look back I sometimes wish I would have asked more people but it was a fun experiment and one I intend to try once again on my next backpacking trip. There were just over 100 songs but eight of them have been lost due to Youtube removing the videos and a couple aren’t available in the US but may be played by searching for them individually (thanks Youtube). Anyway, if you’re looking for some new tunes maybe you can search through this playlist and find inspiration from some backpackers I met during my journey.