

What’s up everyone? It’s me, going by my site alias of Pacha. The purpose of this site is quite straightforward. It is my effort to design an outlet for myself which holds me accountable to the pursuit of the subjects which interest me. It is my hope that the benefits of this endeavor will also spill out into the world. I hope these pages, writings, pictures and creations intrigue you to look deeper into yourself and your surroundings as I have attempted to do. I hope to inspire a deep curiosity and appreciation of the world we live in. I like to say that I am a “Life Aficionado” and I stand in awe at the richness which exists in our world. I strive to tread the paths less taken and mark trails through life to help you travel deeper and reap more from your time. Everything on this website is entirely generated by myself. I have taken the time to write every word, find every link, and take every picture. Tune in to the journey.



Most people who enjoy the content on this site and find the information useful or intriguing, choose to subscribe on Patreon. Currently, there is only one basic support tier at $3 a month – less than a cup of coffee. This plan helps ensure the continuation of my work while keeping all of my platforms 100% ad-free and authentic.

While exploring this website you can also support my work by clicking affiliate links I have included for books, gear and products which I have read, used and enjoyed. I only include links for such things I personally can vouch for and would purchase again. Interested? You will be able to check out my GEAR PAGE coming soon.

Alternatively, if these options don’t suit you, there are other avenues to support the site and my work:

  • Purchase my music on Bandcamp
  • Looking for a new travel card? Consider the Chase Sapphire Reserve® credit card. I am currently in the process of documenting my first year with the card but I have already used the promotional bonus points over the first three months to book two free flights (New York direct to Japan and Bali to Ho Chi Minh)
  • Are you learning a language? Sign up on iTalki. My language learning page is currently in the works but I am an avid iTalki user and by clicking the iTalki Link you will help me gain lesson credits and also get $5 back on the first $20 you spend.
